Saturday, January 15, 2011

The January Challenge 2011

I have now completed over 1500 push-ups and just as many or more sit-ups during 2011.

Yeah, I don't know the last time I did 1500 of something either. That number sounds staggering, but it's a piece of my January Challenge. It's something I just made up, but sounded a lot like me to do it. I decided that I was going to do 100 push-ups and 100 crunches a day for the month of January. I didn't think about the fact that by the time I finish the month I will have done over 3000 push-ups and sit-ups. That's a lot.

I'm not writing this to beat my chest. Instead I want to give you the chance to join me. Don't feel like you have to make up for lost time and do the 15 days worth that have already passed. Just jump right in. And if you're not up to 100 for the day, change the number and keep going. My wife is doing 50 a day of each (Yes she got dragged into another one of my bright ideas, but she's enjoying the results already!). They don't have to be all done at once or in a row. I like to do half in the morning and half at night or work them into my workout plan for the day.

What's the point?-you may ask. Is there a reward? The point is to have a challenge. That means the number you choose has to be a challenge to you. Who knows, by the end of the month it might not be that difficult any more. That sounds like a pretty good reward to me.

I think the challenge next month will involve kettlebell swings, but I'll let you know in February. Until then, enjoy the ride.

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